Good Day

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Churches and Silliness Part 1

I'm wondering how silly churches sound to the outside world. It might be difficult to understand if you are not part of a church context, specifically, the 'Church of Christ' context in the south. The role of women within the congregation seems to be getting a lot of attention as of late.

 Let me preface this conversation before we move any further. This is a serious issue in the workplace, community, and church. This topic is divisive with many church fellowships. It causes anxiety for many. In the simplest way possible, this is an attempt to address the subject and why it causes so much tension and anxiety.

 Again, this is not an attempt to be deep or even express all the moving parts connected with these discussions. Also, it is important to state this is just one ugly side of a community of people. We all have friends that can look at the same information and have two different views. Look at politics, sports, and even food have disagreements.

 The question is really, why do we get so anxious and upset about these topics? It is my opinion it is because we have created a sense of security in our belief that serves as a foundation in our life. Not just a foundation but possibly one of the only stable foundations in our life. When the only stable foundation in our life gets rocked it creates anxiety. Anxiety leads to intense conversations. These intense conversations lead to broken friendships and instability in our foundations.

 Back to the topic... Women's roles in the church or the Role of a Women in Church
 1. Women's roles: The tension on the subject of Women's roles within the Churches of Christ is coming to a head pretty quickly. The subject is getting so hot it is almost unavoidable in some circles. As of late, there have been several churches that make public statements that go against the traditional view of the subject.

Many churches are making public statements that they will "allow women" to have leadership roles within the congregation of the church.

Here is a quick view as to why this causes tension. 
Traditionally, many churches use the New Testament of the Bible is the baseline source for the behavior of a Christian. Not only behaviors but also how the church should conduct themselves when gathering together as a church body.

When a church gathers it is typical to have fellowship, a time of prayer, and worship. In the New Testament (NT) there are two specific passages that state women are to be 'silent not have authority over a man.'

Many people view this as a timeless directive and should be observed every time the church gathers together.
It is not meant to be hurtful or mean spirited. The assumption is everyone has a role to play and the role of leadership belongs to a man. (There is so much more to understand this perspective better) 

In recent years it has become popular to re-examine this subject with a more open approach. This approach goes against the traditional view in reading scripture.

The argument is that the bible is not as clear as it appears to contradict itself on this subject. It is argued that there are more passages to discuss how women are to lead than not to lead.

 This has left many to scratch their heads looking for a biblical directive on the matter, simply because we assume we should have a biblical directive and practice.

Some reactions to these conversations:
1. React and support the traditional approach
2. React and prove the traditional approach wrong
3. Ignore the conversation completely
4.  Address it and make a stance knowing a loss to a congregation will take place.
5.  Some are just numb, they have too many other important arguments going on in life to care.
6. Surprised that this is even a conversation
7. What else do we have wrong and fearful that their foundation isn't as solid as they once felt?
 ...many more...

 Allow me to leave you with this thought.
 If we are doing the things that Jesus commands, then the above subject is not a subject at all. We will be so tired we wouldn't even consider the debate.

Be encouraged to Love God, Love your neighbor, take care of the orphans and widows, feed the homeless, visit people who are sick, be joyful with the people joyful, be in the prayer of thanksgiving and full of gratitude.

Most of all be exhausted.